Monday, March 05, 2007

How Not To Take A Relationship For Granted

The true value of being in a relationship is the ability to share. The sharing can be of feelings, observations and opinions. Entering into a permanent relationship such as marriage, means that you have decided that this other person is someone with whom you can share your most precious commodity, your life.

If one enters into any relationship with this notion of sharing, then it is impossible to take the other person for granted.

I am in the fortunate position of working with my wife. We are therefore able to truly share our lives, both our working lives and home life. I have lost count of the number of times that people have expressed their opinion on our relationship. They have intimated that spending so much time together can't possibly be good for us. Such people don't understand the importance of sharing ones lives.

It is often observed that as people grow together, through their relationship, that they start to think and act like each other. They may even start to anticipate their partner's actions or finish their sent...... This is surely an ideal state to reach? In such a situation, one's partner has become an integral part of one's life. There can be little doubt that neither, of the partners in such a relationship, could ever take each other for granted.

The opposite of love is not, as most people would assume, hate. The opposite of love is indifference. At least with hate, in its truest sense, there is still passion. Whereas with indifference you have stopped caring about your partners needs and wants. The love has gone and the sharing one's lives had ended.


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